Allied Health Assistants (AHA’s) play a crucial role in supporting allied health professionals (including Occupational Therapists…
Therapy and GP Care Plans: What to expect
Welcome to Able Kids Therapy! We are excited to support you and your family.
Under a Medicare Care Plan (Enhanced Primary Care Plan or Chronic Disease Management Plan), we will have between 1 and 5 sessions with you.
Over the course of these appointments, we will gain insight into your situation and offer recommendations. Though we may not be able to resolve all concerns, we will provide valuable information and exercises for continued therapy at home (ie: homework).
At the conclusion of the Medicare sessions, your therapist will provide a brief summary of observations and recommendations to you and your extended care team, including your General Practitioner.
Fees and Charges
- Appointment Cost: $193.99 each
- Medicare Rebate: $60.35* / appointment
- Full payment is required at the time of the appointment (we do not bulk bill).
- Deposit for initial appointment: $90.00 (this is due at the time of booking, and goes towards the overall cost of the initial appointment)
- Additional reports / letters can also be completed (eg: Functional Capacity, Sensory Assessments, school letters), however these are charged at $193.99 / hour, on a pro rata basis. Please discuss with your therapist which (if any) reports or assessments may be relevant to your child’s needs.
Initial Appointment
- Introductions and getting to know you and your child, which may include playing some games together.
- Discussion regarding your child’s medical history, current challenges, and behaviour.
- Goal setting, focusing on the most critical areas.
- Discussions regarding any assessments that may be beneficial to complete on your child to support the process
- Review the schedule for future appointments and provide parents with resources and/or handouts.
- 1 hour session (comprising 45-minute face-to-face with the therapist and 15 minutes for documentation).
Appointments 2-4
- Review previous sessions and discuss any successes or difficulties since then.
- Begin working on prioritised goals.
- Discussions about connecting your child with other suitable health professionals, which could include NDIS or Child Development Services.
- Whilst your therapist can complete several assessments, please be aware that we cannot provide you with diagnoses or diagnostic assessments. We can however, provide supporting documentation to be passed onto your Paediatrician or Psychologist for this purpose (see “Fees and Charges” section for more information).
- 1 hour sessions, (comprising 45-minute face-to-face with the therapist and 15 minutes for documentation).
Final Appointment
- Wrap up / summary appointment.
- Overview of progress and discussion regarding resources, handouts, continued homework and / or therapy options.
- At the session’s conclusion, your therapist will write a concise letter to your GP outlining observations and potential recommendations.
- 1-hour session (comprising 35 minutes face-to-face with the therapist and 25 minutes for notes and GP letter).
What next?
It doesn’t need to be goodbye!
You have the option to remain a Private client with scheduled appointments (where available), or we can include you in our short cancellation waitlist and notify you when an appointment opens up.
Feel free to discuss options with our friendly Admin team.
*Medicare benefits schedule, items 10970 (Speech Therapy) and 10958 (Occupational Therapy), Group M3-Allied Health Services, Chronic management disease services. (viewed 18/06/2024)